More info is for sale – are you interested?

The ultra-premium domain name is currently available for sale. It is very rare that a domain name of this quality is available in the open market, especially a one-word name that is in the real estate category. Worldwide there are over 1.2 billion tenants that are renting, and over 44 million in the United States alone. is one of the most valuable world-wide domains in the $10.5 trillion real estate market.

Here are a few important factors regarding

1. It is a super-premium category killer .COM name

2. It has been registered to one person since 2007.

3. All TLD extensions (71) for ‘Tenants’ have already been reserved by others

4. The word ‘tenants’ returns 135 million results in Google

5. Monthly broad search volume in Google is 272,500

6. Cost-per-click for ‘Tenants’ is $4.77

7. Recognized globally in commerce and the general public

Purchase offers must begin in the six-figure range. This is a competitive bid process and the winning bid will be selected by November 1, 2024. This is a new offering, so any previous bids or interest will not be considered.

Your company can be the only one in the world to own this valuable asset. The memorable name will bring instant authority and trust to your website, generate leads, create brand recognition, and be an appreciable asset for your company.

Not to be overlooked is the fact that you can keep this valuable asset out of the hands of your competition while dominating the name recognition in your market. As a marketing expense you should be able to count the expense as an amortizable write-off on your taxes while it appreciates in value. Are you interested? Please reply via email to